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From: Richard Atkinson
Date: 2002-01-29
Subject: 264 series kernals
Nice to see plus4 showing signs of activity again :) I thought there might have been some messages regarding the second V364 machine, but all that has blown over now with the usual, regrettable conclusion...

Anyway, do you all know that there are now 7 (*seven*) 264 series kernals on Funet? I have been wondering what differences lie in the early ones.
Particularly regarding the tape routines - I think many people expect to see different bit timings in the early versions, perhaps using double clock mode. There must be some reason why the 264 series machines ended up with bit periods twice as long as the other CBM tape formats; perhaps Commodore was originally intending to run them in double clock mode, but found that the memory refresh accesses (or TED badlines even) upset the timing accurracy?


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