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From: Ruud Baltissen
Date: 2001-07-26
Subject: Re: Castle Master once again
> I don't know if Ruud Baltissen is subscribing to the plus/4 list.


> I only have been told by Ruud Baltissen that it keeps R/W
> high while 'writing' PC and maybe P to the stack.

That must be centuries ago....
Anyway I seem to remember that you (?) wrote that data was written to the stack during a reset. Using my debugger I found out that the R/W-line remained (H) so there is no write-action.
I'll check it again this evening as I have everything still set up for testing my 651016 project. Hmmm, this means that the CPU UT will be a 65816,
switching to a 6510 again is a little difficult.

Just a question: why do the 65xx processors behave like this ie. doing 7 (?)
cycles of "nonsense"? The Z80 and 80x86 start up with their reset-address without any "unneeded" actions.

/ __|__
/ / |_/ Groetjes, Ruud
\___| http://Ruud.C64.org

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