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From: Chicken (all posts)
Date: 1998-06-08

Damn, too bad that the newer $ff1d thing doesn't work on your screen
'cause it's really cool stuff. (I think, it works only on monochrome monitors or if chrominance and luminance are seperated [You gotta keep
'em seperatad :) ].
Sump'n else... Is the "Audio In" on the VIDEO PORT the same line as the EXT. MUSIC on the Expansion port? Have you checked if TED is able to influence that incoming signal? (I know TED doesn't have filters or so...
But maybe there's some way $ff11 effects this?! I guess not, though.) What happens if you connect (TED's) AUDIO OUT to EXT. MUSIC? Does it make the SOUND richer or the opposite (like when you set both channels to the same frequency [KEEP THE FREQUENCY CLEAR :)]?)

Yeah, I knew about those 3+1 musics... Actually, I got a really cool one on a disk somewhere. It was done by MDA and it got this really cool SCRATCH [ARE YOU SURE? :)] digi... kinda like that one in WIT's RAP DEMO.
Actually, I heard that most musics done later were 3+2 musics... Though,
I've never seen a routy leave alone heard one. Is there one converted to plus/4? If yes, is it just adding (well, of course by using some kind of algorithm or whatever) both voices' values or is it putting out two 4
bit values?

"CHECK DIS OUT"... I was thinkin' about BOMB THE BASE :) Btw, do you remember the XENON II SOUNDTRACK (programming by Dave Whitaker... No stranger to plus/4 users, for he did the TERRA COGNITA FX)? I think that one is a really kickin' track... I got the ORIGINAL CD VERSION by BOMB THE BASE and always wanted to do a remix on plus/4. Btw, I would like to see a really nice vertical scrolling SHOOT'EM UP... Anything out there?

I heard it through the grapevine... What happened to LEMMINGS? Did you ever work on that one or was it just rumours?

You'll get an answer later on... I`m too busy right now!

That's it,

Hungarian Dudes...
What happened to HIC (on C64)? His MEGADEMO was one of the first C64
demos I ever saw and I know that some parts were converted to plus/4.
What happened to MUCSI and JEVA? Is UNREAL still around?

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