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From: Solder (all posts)
Date: 2001-06-23
Subject: Re: Plus/4 Parallel Cable and Software
Am 2001.06.23 08:06:51 +0200 schrieb(en) eric:

Hi Eric,

sorry, but I'm very busy. Here is the plan for the Userport-Centronics-Cable:

Userport Printer Name

B 2 D0
K 3 D1
4 4 D2
5 5 D3
6 6 D4
7 7 D5
J 8 D6
F 9 D7
D 1 Strobe
H 11 Busy

The most programs support this cable. I will send you a D64-image shorly with "drivers" for Basic and Monitor. Note: Your printer must support LF and CR in one code, because the plus/4 sends only $13 (CR) (a PC sends $10
(LF) and $13 (CR)). Check your printer docu how to set this mode.
The numbers are on component-side, the letters on solder-side of the plus/4-board. Letters are A, B, C, D, E, F, H, J, K, L, M, N!

I would built a cable for you, but I have no cases for the userport-jack and they aren't available from my electronic-dealers. An other thing: The postage is higher than the value of the cable!


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