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From: Csabo (all posts)
Date: 2000-08-14
Subject: C16 DemoCompo
Hi Friends!

>I would have a suggestion to the 16kb compo, which is that I think the
>demo/intro should work on a c16 without memoryexpansion. Is this a bad
>idea, or? This would unfortunately make most plus4 sidtune converters
>unusable as they usually use memory outside the c16 16kb...

Yup, I agree with Lavina. The demo has to be able to run on a C=16, so
"sidtune converters" are out of question. That is exactly why I coded a music player for our demo, I posted two examples a few weeks ago. It demonstrates the capabilities - I think you can get decent sound out of it.
It's small (<512 bytes) and fast (<16 rasterlines) If you like, I will give you the source, you just have to write the music.

>Of course, the nominees should work on a simple, not modified Commodore
>16 machine. That is the main idea. No compressing, no putting stuff
>outside the 16k, and so on.

No compressing?!? Where did that rule come from? I use a special compressor,
it runs fine on any C=16, it NEVER references to any memory address above
$3FFF. What's wrong with that?

Csabo of LOD

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