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From: indi (all posts)
Date: 1998-05-29
Subject: Re: NTSC on PAL...
>>Hmmm, also, I won't be a happy emulator-writer if I read such postings
>>about these tricks :-). I guess emulating a TED will need a lot of different
>>methods than actually, a VIC-II emulation utilizes. It's because, you are
>>free to play with the lowest level things in the TED, affecting even the
>>synchrons and all such things.
>I guess we do not await these tricks to be emulated, but this talks could
>shed light of the inner workings of the TED, and thus more common mechanisms
>of the TED could be understood, and emulated. (Example, all kind
>of normal $ff1d tricks, bad-line delay, FLI etc... Current emulators are weak
>at these things)

Quite... only if most folk can understand it and explain it, do we stand a chance of getting it implemented...

After all, if we don't know "why" it does it... it makes it almost impossible to emulate!

Mike Dailly mike@scotch.demon.co.uk http://www.scotch.demon.co.uk
(Please remove the <REMOVE_ME> from my e-mail address when replying)

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