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From: Lion (all posts)
Date: 2000-01-19
Subject: hoooh!
Hello Dear Plus4 masters!

I'm sorry for the big amount of error messages you got today. (you know, it was not my fault) I've removed that dude from the list.
Usually I get these error messages, you know, this happens to my own mailbox when I notify you that I deleted a guy. (so it was not new to me ;)

That c64 launcher program sounds very cool! I would like to check it,
will look on the internet. :)

Unsubscribe requests should be sent to "majordomo@c64.rulez.org".

You can also send "help" to that, "index plus4" to see what archive files are there "get plus49904" or something like that to get any file of the archive. I will put the files on www for easier access and search!

Have a nice time with us!


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