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From: indi (all posts)
Date: 2000-01-19
Subject: Re: winemu and minus4
>I found it in the MESS project, but it has some strange colors. Do you
>know the MESS? (... or MASS? I can't remember...) It is derived from
>the MAME project. It has C16 and Plus4 emulator part, but it is still
>in very early stage (but it has some D64 support, if I'm right).

I had a look... looks fairly neat eh! My palette was DPaint and the plus/4 colours on a TV and just by eye... so theres a few out as well.. Even taking a snapshot of a plus/4 screen has brightness problems. If we could figure out how it MAKES the colours... it'd be far nicer...oh well...

>>>The game is the Ecco the Dolphin for Sega Dreamcast. We have only
>>>a few weeks to finish it, so I have to work hard.
>>>The c16vXXX is the DOS port the of emulator, but it is very-very old.
>>>Maybe I will update it in the future.
>>>No more available emulators now... maybe later... :-)
>>Dreamcast? Cool... I did the graphics engine for Dreamcast wildmetal
>>country... I also ported my emulator over to it!!!! <g>

What are you coding on it? graphics or game stuff?

>>I got a test version running on BeOS at the weekend..
>>BeOS screen drawing is horrible.... MUST run in a seprate thread, and
>>you must open up in a funny way... it may take a bit to get my video
>>class to "like" it... or perhaps I'll just skip it on BeOS...
>Oh no!!! Bad news...

Well yes and no... ALL versions will have a different "winmain" kinda file. since each handles the system differently. It'll just mean a lot of the screen handling is in there instead of video.cpp where it really should be... :-(

>>Now all I need is a PC for Linux :-)
>Now I have the SuSE here with me, and one of my friends wants to
>install it. We will check it.

I like Linux... but I've always struggled to find a use for it...
Getting better now... you could "almost" use it for everything...
but not quite yet.. another couple of years, and we can throw windows away :->

Mike Dailly mike@scotch.demon.co.uk http://www.scotch.demon.co.uk
(Please remove the <REMOVE_ME> from my e-mail address when replying)

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