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From: Lion (all posts)
Date: 2000-01-13
Subject: Re: WinEMU 0.47R2
Hi dudes!

The simpliest answer to the question about X1541 and XE1541 cables:

X1541 can only be used with SPP, old standard parelel ports, whose are on old motherboards, on Hercules cards and on old I/O cards.

XE1541 with the diodes, can be used with ECP/EPP extended paralel ports,
whose are on the new (since the pentium class, I think, or maybe some newer 486) motherboards. Usually, u can change the port type back to the old standard (SPP) in the Bios Setup, in that case X1541 would work fine, in SC for example. But since it is software dependant, an XE1541
software will not work with X1541 cable, neither in the other direction.

I know 2 reasons for developing the XE1541:
1. why should we always use the old port type, especially if you have another software which uses ECP/EPP? (like my C64-PC transfer program :)
2. some new motherboards has no electronix for real SPP mode, if u switch to SPP mode in BIOS, you still have the same electronix as in EPP mode,
so X1541 still does not work! And maybe they will drop the SPP standard in the future!?

All cable documentation and schematics are included in the Star Commander documentation, as Nicolas wrote.

Emulator writers: I don't see D64 (eh, D+4 :) support in the emulators,
I miss that very much :(

Zsolt: I have checked the latest Winemu, you include the game called Exorcist in the pack. Is the SOUND wmulation correct? I remember that game had very nice music, but it sounds terrible in the emulator...
Or maybe the problem is with my setup? Saboteur rules as well, seems you love the same games like I do :) Oh, another emulator question:
the screen is too dark to me. It is the same in other emulators.
Unfortunately my monitor is already on he highest color value, is the plus4 really so dark? Other windows programs look ok at home,
but plus4 emulators are too dark :(


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