Game Endings

Ending for

How To Reach
Uwol is seeking for the gold coins wasted in a very old manor next to Canutos Forest, the so-called Storm Palace. His greed made him to get deeper and deeper into the manor so he got lost and trapped in the lowest labyrinth, inhabited by Vampy, Franky, Fanty and Wolfy, who will try by all means to make Uwol fail in his task.

The game is about to steal the most amount of coins possible. Uwol won’t want to end his mission until he collects a minimum of 255 of those. The manor rooms are arranged like a pyramid, starting from the very top, and after you clean a room of coins you will be given the chance to choose which path (left or right) to take. You select a path walking over one of the arrows which appear and pressing DOWN.

If you get to the bottom of the pyramid and you haven’t gathered enough coins you get back to top and start over.

Uwol C16 Ending 01

The Ending
Uwol C16 Ending 02

Now Uwol has got all the coins needed to...offer a drink to you all!

Use the cheats to reach the ending.

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