|  | | How To Reach | First of all, Sabreman must locate one of the wells which can be find in the scenario. Shoot at it four times and a bucket of holy water will appear.

Searching along the screens, 5 broken obelisks have to be healed dropping holy water over any of them in order to regenerate'em.

Once all the 5 obelisks have been healed, the Pentagram will appear in one fixed room, placed in the very center of the global map.

At the same time the Pentagram gets real, 5 Runestones get scattered randomly in some of the preconditioned places, usually not so distant frome each other. They have to be seeked and picked up...

...and dropped into the Pentagram.
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| The Ending | This is the last Runestone, going to complete the mission!

Congratulations for compleAting the game? Ready for the never released Mire Mare game?

Let's show this 3-digits number to the outer world!
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| Shortcut | Use the extras as shown in the beginning of the game. |
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