Game Endings

Diamond Town
Ending for
Diamond Town

How To Reach
There's no mine filled with diamond to collect, without dangerous boulders near any of them. here we have 54 screens of that kind, where to get diamonds before reaching an exit to the next one.
Oh well, the 54th screen is the easiest, and it's an ending of its own, saying "end" ("vége") just for a while...

Diamond Town Vége 01

...then, all the boulders fall down, so easy to pick up diamonds this way!

Diamond Town Vége 02

The Ending
The final score is the real end.

Diamond Town Ending

Stop the game with Run/Stop+Reset keys, then enter X in order to go back to BASIC.
Change this line as follows:

500 IFLE=055THEN540
to go straight to the ending.

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