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Posted By

on 2005-11-14
 Anyone heard of Newsplug?


Whilst I'm still going through my collection of fanzines for the C16/Plus 4 I have come across issues 77 & 78 of a fanzine called "Newsplug, supporting the Plus4 and C16 computers". Has anyone come across this facinating read? Its formated in a A5 booklet and the author mentions that it is published using a expanded C64 with Geos. But nowhere to be seen is his/her contact details or name. If someone else has a few issues of these can you have a look through them for some contact details. My aim is to obtain as many of these issues as possible, scan them in for all to enjoy.



Posted By

on 2005-11-14
 Re: Anyone heard of Newsplug?

Addition to this, just figured out the Mag was based in Australia, as the author purchased his Plus 4 from Korella Trading, a computer shop in New South Wales.

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