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on 2004-07-25
 Re: Plus 4: A Celebration

Interesting comments there Lando - I'll definitely be playing Bomb Jack and Ghosts 'n' Goblins now. happy

It's the old conundrum with the C16 isn't it. You say that it would have been better if they had gone for memory saving mono GFX like Mr Speccy, but you have that pallette of 121 colours. Why neglect it? No other machine near that price had that pallette. BMX Racers had some wonderful colour, really bright but tasteful. In moments like that, the Plus4 is my favourite looking machine, better than C64, Spectrum etc. But of course, being limited to C16's memory, plus4 squandered it's huge potential. The shadow of it's big brother was inescapable, and there wasn't enough space on the market for another machine. But imagine that, say, Sinclair had never made the Spectrum and made the Plus4 instead without the questionable integrated software and priced it aggressively to fight the C64. Now that would have been one hell of a battle!
As you say though, the whole C16/Plus4 thing was a shame, it just wasn't thought out properly.

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