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Posted By

on 2004-07-10
 Text Adventure Data Structures

I wrote this article awhile back, and wanted to share it with everyone here. This article discusses text adventure data structures, and the article applies to all Commodore 8-bit computer models (including the C64/128,PET/CBM,Vic-20,Plus/4 and C-16).

Administrator edit: duplicated article from here removed

Posted By

on 2004-07-11
 Re: Text Adventure Data Structures

Paul, while many of us appreciate the ideas and effort you show in your support of Commodore computers, and the Plus/4 and C16 is particular, maybe it would be better if you simply posted links to your own site for lengthy articles such as this. Lots of times, the "smiley routine" will do strange things to code (see your post above).

Posted By

on 2004-07-11
 Re: Text Adventure Data Structures

Paul, you have been warned about this once already (here). You even promised to post links only in the future. This forum was intended for discussions. Please do not copy/paste huge articles here. A link is enough. Same with program listings: if you have a specific question about a part of a program, it's okay to post a listing.

Posted By

on 2004-07-11
 Re: Text Adventure Data Structures

Yeah, that's true, the smiley face does ruin some of the posts. I'll post only links in the future. Thanks for letting me know.



Posted By

on 2004-07-12
 Re: Text Adventure Data Structures

This is for all o' y'all out there who want to post basic listings: (about the smiley faces) on the long run, this should be fixed, or there should be a way to turn them off in a post. But until then, there's a simple way to avoid them. The two character sequences that get converted are colon-P and semicolor-P (:P and ;P). Simply insert a space before P and problem solved.

Posted By

on 2004-07-12
 To Dunric; Re: B-Venture

Another thing I thought of about your B-Venture: using two letter basic variables is unnecessary. It's an extra byte wasted every time. Of course if you run out of the 26 letters you can use them, but a lot of them are unused (like J$ instead of DE$, etc.)

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