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Posted By

Stuart Wilson
on 2004-03-19
 Treasure Island Remake

Hi everyone.

Just a quick post to let everyone know that I'm kinda working on a remake of Treasure Island and can be downloaded by going to the address below


Its far from complete, but I wanted to show everyone what I have done so far. I'm only doing this in my spare time, so I don't want to get everyones hopes up regarding when the finished version will be released.

Anyway, I hope you like this. Also, while I am on the subject of remakes, those of you who might remember me, I actually started to write a Tom Thumb remake sometime ago. I know, I know..... I've been slacking, and the truth is, although the project seems dead.......... its not........ its just on hold...... indefinately.

Anyway, who knows, maybe I'll get this Treasure Island game released soon and I'll go back to work on Tom Thumb again.

Anyway, any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Bye for now
Stuart happy

Posted By

on 2004-03-20
 Re: Treasure Island Remake

nekem tetszik, bazi jól repül a kard happy gondolom (ahogy kihámoztam nulla agoltudásommal) később lessz pálya is hozzá. Király lessz!

I think wery good this. the flying knife is wonderfull. happy i thing (...) other time are new map(s). That is King!

Posted By

Stuart Wilson
on 2004-03-22
 Re: Treasure Island Remake

Well, I've copied all the graphics from the Plus 4 and I've started the long and tedious job of recreating the original level. The beauty of this remake is that being as all the 'squares' are tiles, I can easily create and 'draw' brand new 'islands' and levels.

I've got a pirate (one of the blue ones that dont shoot) and I just need to add the ones that do shoot. So far, so good happy

Anyway, download an update at:-


Hope you like it

Stuart Wilson

Posted By

on 2004-03-23
 Re: Treasure Island Remake

Hi Stuart,
i've tested it and i like it happy - it's ashame that i never played the original, till now wink.

Keep up the great work

Posted By

Stuart Wilson
on 2004-03-23
 Re: Treasure Island Remake


Just thought I'd let you know that I have completed copying the entire map from the original game into my remake. The old island is now available to wander around in all of its glory. My wife is actually busy designing me a brand new island to put into the game as I type this although this will just be an extra bonus once the game is complete!!!

My next task will be putting the pirates in.

Feel free to download this new update by going to the following address


(PS - Even though the full map is there, you may not be able to get too far as you may run out of cutlesses to use against the Blue Pirates).

Hope you like it

Stuart Wilson

Posted By

Stuart Wilson
on 2004-03-24
 Re: Treasure Island Remake


Another update for this remake! This time I've added some shooting pirates. Once I've populated the island with them, then the remake will be finished (other than the extra levels which can be added at a later date as these are just bonuses).

Download the latest version from the same address as above.

Anyway, I won't be posting any more updates here now as I feel I'm kinda clogging up this message board. I'll let you all know once the finished game is ready (which should be VERY soon).

By the way, thanks for your positive support to those who have contacted me regarding this remake happy

Stuart Wilson

Posted By

on 2015-03-29
 Re: Treasure Island Remake

Hi Stuart

Interested in whether you ever managed to finish Treasure Island . Noticed the link to the game no longer works. could you e-mail me a copy lee.dobbs@ntlworld.com.

Cheers Lee

Posted By

Stuart Wilson
on 2015-03-31
 Re: Treasure Island Remake


11 years later! I just had a rummage on my hard drive and found an old version. I remember getting stuck with it and losing interest, so although the whole map is there, it never got finished (hence the big blue squares to detect when the baddies throw a cutlass). I've got all the source files and stuff for it if anyone ever wants to carry on, but to be honest it'll probably be best to start from scratch.

Sorry I never finished it.


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