Posted By
 Olly27 on 2025-03-11 12:47:44
| TapDancer
Hi, is it possible to play TAP files through Tapdancer to load onto a c16/plus 4..?
Thanks in advance..
Posted By
 Andras on 2025-03-11 13:18:34
| Re: TapDancer
yes, it can work. volume is important when playing. I recommend the tapuino unit.
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2025-03-11 13:27:35
| Re: TapDancer
First of all, WTH is that Tapdancer? I did found something that tells me it should be a TAP to audio converter. Is it that? And if it is, how do you expect the audio output to enter your Commodore? 
@Andras: If he had a tapuino why would he want to use that Tapdancer thingy? 
Posted By
 Andras on 2025-03-11 13:53:02
| Re: TapDancer
@gerliczer I used it like this: Downloaded tapedancer on an android emulator on a laptop. I connected the laptop's audio output to a ZX Spectrum. It worked. But now I remember that the Commodore doesn't accept audio signals.Only if there is a datasette between the tapedancer and the machine... So it won't work. The solution is Tapuino.
Posted By
 ScottC on 2025-03-13 07:46:02
 | Re: TapDancer
I remember trying this using Tapdancer on an Android phone, and outputting through the 3.5mm audio to a cassette adaptor playing in the datasette.
It didn't work.
Posted By
 bszggg on 2025-03-13 18:25:37
| Re: TapDancer
The spectrum using the sine sign Commodore using the Quantity sign So if we use a regular cassette player, that means the Quantity sign will be distorted. That was the reason why was in the 90's plays in the television (TV shows with IT content) just spectrum games, not for in commodore.