Posted By
 RobertB on 2025-03-04 03:45:07
| Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, March 8, 2025
Happy almost Spring, C= and Ami comrades!
The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, March 8, from 2 to 5+ p.m. at
Panera Bread Restaurant 19662 Nordhoff Street Northridge, California (818) 407-9400
In discussion we'll talk to members who attended the Vintage Computer Festival SoCal a few weeks ago. Then we will talk about the April 12 Los Angeles Maker Faire and the April 26-27 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show. For CLASS, we will talk about all the exhibits and presentations for this 40th anniversary of the Commodore 128 and the Amiga 1000.
In hardware, we’ll have the A600GS and the AmigaOne A1222+ with new games, Tale of Evil, Soko-Ban, Skillgrid, and Castlevania AGA; and with classic games, Amiga Karate, Arazok’s Tomb, and the Art of Chess. The A1222+ also has the additional, new programs –- the cute platformer, Absolute Zero; the buggy Tracker Hero, the Operation Steel Rain beta, the well-designed Sky Shapers, and the OS4 application, 3D Converter. The Ultimate 64 returns with the latest C64 games, Abysmal Karma - Part 1!, Centipede, Platman MC, Ladybird, Man Cave, and Mike Mech 2. For the C16, we'll try out Deadly Adventure!
Feel free to bring your own machines and software to the meeting!
Sincerely, Robert Bernardo Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network