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Posted By

on 2024-09-14

I don't suppose anyone has a copy of URID an arcade game I programmed in Tedmon in the late 1980's. It basically relied on the RND command to give a different game experience every time, much like crazy birds and candy crush do currently. I did work for Activision in Reading briefly to try and release it, I also sent a copy too Microsoft. This was for the commodore +4. I never had a response. I realise its a bit late in the day now to try and find anyone who will have a Scooby do about it. But I have thought what the hell, nothing ventured nothing gained hey? Baz

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on 2024-09-14

Never heard of this one, there doesn't seem to be any mentions of this anywhere so far. If I understand you correctly, this was a homebrew game that was never commercially sold? If so, it's likely lost sad

Posted By

on 2024-09-14

And you don't happen to have a copy or anything left of the game anywhere, magnetic or paper?

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