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Posted By

Harry Potter
on 2024-09-05
 Re: cc65/Plus4 Config: 32k ROM?

I'm posting here the printc() and prints() function sources in the hopes that somebody here can see what I'm doing wrong.

.export _printc, _printcr, _printscr
;Address of kernal output routine for direct calls. The character is
;already in .A.
.import _prints
.importzp tmp4
.include "plus4.inc"

.segment "LOWCODE"


;Print return.
jsr _prints
lda #13
;jmp _printc
;sta tmp4
;lda #$D2
;jmp callkernal
sta $FDD2 ; Enable the ROM
jsr $FFD2
sta $FDDA ; Enable the ROM
.segment "LOWCODE"
.importzp ptr1

.export _prints
.import _printc

;Print a string of no more than 256 bytes using the kernal.
;As the routine is __fastcall__, the pointer already is in .X.A.
.proc _prints
sta ptr1 ;Store pointer.
stx ptr1+1
ldy #0 ;Start at offset 0.
lda (ptr1),y ;Load current char.
beq @exit ;Exit if null/EOS.
jsr _printc ;Print.
iny ;Advance until end of 256 bytes.
bne @a
I want to apologize for the sloppy code. I was a long time ago an elegant coder, but that was a lifetime ago. sad

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