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on 2024-09-05
 Re: After tackling such games as Lykia...

All that is required is to recognize 'TCBM2SD' string in 'UJ' command response and then use Kernal to open the file for loading (on channel 0). Fast load protocol is enabled when (after sending the file name) the following TALK command sends code $70 (channel 16) rather than $60 (channel 0).

Fastload protocol is is similar to native fastloaders for 1551 like Warpload1551, with efficient handshaking. The github repository contains ready to use code for detection and loader.

Low hanging fruit is just to drop any special code and use plain Kernal LOAD - it's already as fast as JiffyDOS this way.

I suppose eventually I will release some of the disk games available here on plus4world with tcbm2sd compatibility.

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