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on 2024-08-04
 Re: Introducing tcbm2sd

I managed to squeeze into the firmware also the read-only support for disk images (D64/D71/D81).
This pretty much completes what I wanted to achieve.

The author of Directory Browser kindly shared the source code with me, so there is now a version that supports the native fastload protocol (23x, ~9KB/s) for files and directory listings.

After thinking more about this I agree with @siz that SD2IEC is not worth the effort. If anything, a cycle-exact Pi1551 emulation (based on Pi1541) would be the next step. The PCB, without Arduino installed, can already be directly connected to RPi's GPIOs, without needing any level shifters. So, such project would be "only" a software problem.

I have some parts left and will be ordering more. If you'd like to buy a ready-made TCBM2SD from me, please send me an email: ytm@elysium.pl
Let me know how many you'd like and include your country of residence. Once I have an estimate of the quantity needed, I'll get back to you with a price offer.

(If you are reading this in the future, don’t hesitate to ask either - I will order some spares too.)

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