Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-20 17:37:46
| Pursue PrintTok2?
I am discouraged with the support for PrintTok1. For those who don't know, PrintTok1 is a code module for cc65 that prints out strings compressed using tokenization and RLE of spaces. You can find it at Version 006 supports up to 64 one-byte tokens and 128 two-byte tokens, and 007 128 one-byte tokens and 128 two-byte tokens with the cost that capital letters have to be redefined. Currently, it is limited in that it doesn't support literals compression or manual compression. I've been working on PrintTok2 which is to fix those flaws, but as I said, I was discouraged with PrintTok1's lack of use. I'm wondering if I should continue producing PrintTok2.
Posted By
 zzarko on 2024-07-21 15:31:38
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
I have made tools and programs where I am the sole user, IMHO nothing wrong with that As long as it is fun to you, why not?
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-21 18:52:52
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2? is fun to me, but I am an egotist and want to serve and people to appreciate my works. PrintTok1 and 2 would be useful for text adventures. PrintTok1 would also be useful for another project on which I'm working that involves a lot of text. The latter would need an earlier version of PrintTok1, as it involves needing updating at any time and can't really redefine the keys as needed by the last version of PrintTok1. PrintTok2 would require all strings to be compressed in one sweep and wouldn't work well with on-the-fly updates as needed by the project. Thank you for your opinion. 
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2024-07-22 03:34:01
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
but I ... want ... people to appreciate my works
Then you better start doing things people are interested in. This tinkering away with a CC65 library function for a text adventure engine never to be finished piques the interest of none except you. And for good reasons.
Life is a hard thing to live...
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-22 08:18:15
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
I think AdvSkel65/Vic65 is working well enough to use if not finished. Just try them out. 
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-07-22 08:21:09
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
BTW, would the use of 59k of extra Hannes RAM pique people's interest? I have a library for cc65 called MemBankP4 that makes use of two banks of Hannes RAM including the main bank and parts of the Plus4's Low memory for code and data.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-07-22 13:36:28
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
Since your library is written in C, I would say no. We have talked about this numerous times: very few people are actually developing anything for the Plus/4, and (AFAIK) no one is developing in C.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-11-23 18:44:22
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
I currently have PrintTok in working order, and it is providing a very good compression ratio, but I want to do better. I'm using Toldo's suggestion. He's a member of the vogons forum. He uses a form of tokenization, where 12 bits are used to represent every word in the text. He also assumes a space between words. I add mechanisms to not compress in that way words that rarely appear in the text, a form of Static Huffman Codes on letters and some punctuation, a bit to determine whether a space follows a period or comma and using only as many bits as sre needed to specify a token. I am looking for other ideas.
Posted By
 Jason on 2024-11-24 22:15:29
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
As mentioned in your previous other topic, the so called "market" for using your routines in a text adventure isn't there. Period. People who make text adventures are either making them with an adventure making program (in which integrating your routines into would be a pain in the ass and no one who is using an adventure game maker is going to go through that much work) or they're coding their own stuff in which case they're most likely making their own "PrintTok" etc. related routines.
Basically, you're writing your stuff only for you and you know what? There isn't anything wrong with that. But don't expect masses of text adventure game coders to beat a path to your door for your routines. Also, as Csabo has stated numerous times, very few people are developing anything for the Plus/4 especially in C.
Lastly, stop doing things for your ego and for recognition, you're way too worried about that. That's not a priority a coder should have.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-11-25 05:39:12
| Re: Pursue PrintTok2?
Actually, PrintTok2, unlike its predecessor, doesn't require you to compress your strings yourself. You do have to prepare the strings, though, but that shouldn't require you to do too much work.