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on 2024-07-18
 Re: Introducing tcbm2sd

Thanks! This is really encouraging.

Assembling a small batch won't be a big problem.

I'll give myself about a month or so to continue testing and finally decide on the microcontroller. If I can quickly get an sd2iec port to run on something larger, like an RP2040 with a TCBM bus within this time, I would redesign the cartridge and add the buttons.

If not, that's okay too - I would postpone things at least until the winter holiday season. It would mean that this first revision has some shelf life in it and I could offer you that in the meantime.

I'll keep you updated!

@SukkoPera I can thank you directly happy LittleSixteen was very educational - especially with all the additional comments on the schematic pages. I bought my first Plus/4 only in May, I didn't know anything about this machine before.

@MMS I played with the idea of extra ram in 1571 and 1541. It can be used to load and cache whole track data - like 1581 does. I patched DOS for that: https://github.com/ytmytm/1571-TrackCacheROM.
It makes sense when transfer is fast enough (at least JiffyDOS speed) because only then we have the speed gain of ignoring the sector interleave business.
A similar patch could be done for 1551 (even without real hardware, entirely within patched VICE). But that's entirely different project happy

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