| Posted By
 seff on 2024-03-04 02:29:51
 | Cartridge Challenge :: New 3+1 ROM
I want to do a proof a concept and call Kernal and Basic routines from within a 32k cartridge. This will be the first step to create a new 3+1 ROM based on SpeedScript and SpeedCalc that will run from ROM and utilize all available RAM. For example, the built-in 3+1 cartridge copies ROM to $1000 to $7000. It is no surprise that you have only 99 lines left available in the word processor. I studied all possible cartridges available and wrote a new 3+1/3+1 Cartridge Challenge GitHub as follows:
;-------------------------------------------------- ; cold_start ;-------------------------------------------------- cold_start:
lda CURBNK ; Get current ROM bank (to provide runnability in any slots) and #$03 ; Use our ROM in low bank only and KERNAL in high tax stx CURBNK sta $fdd0,x ldx #< cart_message ; Print message below Basic header ldy #> cart_message jsr print_text ; print message jsr def_key ; register F1 key jsr def_sys ; register sys routine ; ROM charset in hi memory rts
;-------------------------------------------------- ; warm_start ;-------------------------------------------------- warm_start: jsr print_intro ;jsr read_textl jmp *
I enclose the CHROUT call in the LONG call:
;-------------------------------------------------- ; print_textl, xy=pointer, 0 ;-------------------------------------------------- print_textl: stx IMPARM ; set pointer sty IMPARM+1 ldy #0 ; we're pointing to 1st byte of string - lda (IMPARM),y ; loop to output string beq +
;jsr CHROUT ; do a long call later sta FETARG ; store acc lda #$00 ; status register=0 sta FETSRG lda #< CHROUT sta LNGJMP lda #> CHROUT sta LNGJMP+1 lda CURBNK ldx #$00 ; bank in Basic/Kernal jsr LONG ; jsr CHROUT via long
iny bne - inc IMPARM+1 bne - ; this will never be 0 + rts
But it works only partially. I get a few lines of text printed now and then:

So I failed. I did not achieve my objective to run code in a 32k ROM and be able to call both Kernal and Basic routines. It is not simple and that's why so many developers resorted to copying ROM to RAM unfortunately.
I would be really grateful if somebody could guide me to a successful proof of concept.
Thank you very much Plus/4 World colleagues! Seff
Posted By
 SukkoPera on 2024-02-28 05:52:07
| Re: Cartridge Challenge :: New 3+1 ROM
A bit OT, but I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted at creating a 64 kB cart program, by using both cartridge slots (C1_LO/HI and C2_LO/HI). I have a hardware design that can map all those to a single 64 kB EPROM so it would be interesting to have some software taking advantage of that.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2024-02-28 06:21:17
| Re: Cartridge Challenge :: New 3+1 ROM
Try copying code to Low memory to switch out the cartridge ROM, do the access, switch back in the cartridge ROM then return to the caller. BTW, I just finished reading your post. I encountered the same problem while trying a 32k cartridge setup for cc65. I've only been able to have a setup where only the low 16k is visible and extra code accesses the high 16k for data. For those here who use cc65 to program Plus4/C16 cartridges, I have two memory configurations for cartridges: one for 16k and one for 32k as described. They both load into C1. If you want, I can post a link to them.
Posted By
 seff on 2024-02-28 07:55:12
 | Re: Cartridge Challenge :: New 3+1 ROM
It works if I change the config to: $01: $FDD1 (3+1)/Kernal (CHROUT, but not GETIN). But it does not serve my purpose. I want to execute code in 3+1 Hi and also want to call Basic routines, because SpeedCalc relies on Basic calls/functions.
@SukkoPera Yes, it can be written, but it will work like a typical copy ROM to RAM & execute gamecart cartridge. I would write a copy routine with a few parameters and copy the ROM block to RAM, see Cartridge Explorer.
Posted By
 seff on 2024-03-04 02:27:23
 | Re: Cartridge Challenge :: New 3+1 ROM
I made it.
You need to wrap your Basic/Kernal calls as follows:
;-------------------------------------------------- ; rom_getin ;-------------------------------------------------- rom_getin stx zpd2 ; store x sty zpd3 ; store y lda #$00 ; status register=0 sta FETSRG lda #< GETIN sta LNGJMP lda #> GETIN sta LNGJMP+1 lda CURBNK ldx #$00 ; bank in Basic/Kernal jsr LONG ; jsr GETIN via long ldx zpd2 ; retrive x ldy zpd3 ; retrive y lda FETARG ; retrive acc rts
One needs to pay attention to LONG input/output arguments and function arguments.
FETARG = $05f2 FETXRG = $05f3 FETSRG = $05f4
I did not change the interrupt routine at all and everything works like a charm.
Now, can you imagine the potential?
Why didn't David W Johnson program the 3-Plus-1 package that way? In fact, the 3-Plus-1 software package is pretty good if only you could have all 64 kb RAM memory available... Now imagine game cartridges with 32/64 kb ROM and 16 kb RAM. You could keep your video RAM and charset in RAM..., double buffering, pre-computed soft sprites, special effects... on C16, C116...
Too bad that developers did not use this feature.
Posted By
 MMS on 2024-03-03 11:32:37
 | Re: Cartridge Challenge :: New 3+1 ROM
This is a great project, and also clarified the 100 lines limitations. I was also shocked to learned this limitation, as the C64 Easyscript, loaded from floppy (took RAM space!) allowed several thousand lines (logically, as it used much more RAM). I am not surprised the testers gave such a low score for a "word processor" can make only short notes.
I agree the potentials are really huge. Especially for the mentioned C16 games. Unfortunately (contrary to VIC-20) the cartridges were rather rare, I think mainly because they did not provide any extra to the "cheap" cassette version. But in the scenario you showed us now, they could release fantastic big games with a lot of screens and story, as you could store all of them in external ROM, but I think it worked in this way on VIC-20, as it had only 4KB RAM).
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