Posted By
 kryan1 on 2023-07-26 16:37:14
| Geos Download
Hi James C, I'm looking to get the download of your Geos 3.5 for my plus 4. It states you need proof that I own a copy. I do. Where can I send the photo? Once I do, how long before I can get Geos?
Thanks James!
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-27 09:06:08
| Re: Geos Download
I too would like a copy of GEOS/Plus4, but I don't already have a copy. I want it for a Plus4 at my mother's house. Where can I get one?
BTW, I have GEOS64 2.0 and a real C64C at my mother's house. Should I install it? Is it worth anything other than nostalgia and fun?
Posted By
 javierglez on 2023-07-27 13:18:09
| Re: Geos Download
It's a C64, there's no hard drive, you don't install GEOS, you just run it from a 1541.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-27 13:27:35
| Re: Geos Download
I didn't actually mean install in that way. I have both a C64C and a Plus4, a 1541 and a 1541-II drives and a Zoomfloppy. I also have some blank disks for them. By "install" I mean make out floppies of the software. I'm sorry for the confusion. Again, is there any reason to use GEOS other than nostalgia or fun? BTW, are there any other ways I can make my Commodores useful instead of just toys?
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-27 17:54:09
 | Re: Geos Download
Well, GEOS is not a complete fun with a C64 + an 1541 floppy drive. Sure, it loads way faster than the normal 1541 (next to the 5x fastloader routine it also contains a compression tool to reduce file size), but the frequent floppy disc swaps kill the fun.
I used by GEOS with two 1541/II disc drives, and while it did not load any faster, you saved the annoying floppy disc swaps. Unfortunately JiffyDOSdoes not make it faster, just let it work with their onw routine. I made some small magazines for our school in GeoWrite, and it was fun to make it in a WYSIWYG editor, with several nice fonts and gfx included.
Plus/4 GEOS can work only with 1551, and it has a positive and a negative side. Pos: the 1551 is faster than 1541, so theoretically it should load faster than 1541 on C64. On the negative side: 1551 is a rare beast and became pretty expensive.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-27 18:11:10
| Re: Geos Download
Thank you. So no go, right? Well, a long time ago, I had a C64C with a single 1541-C drive. Now, I have two drives. If GEOS64 is not all that useful, what *can* I do with a *real* C64C and Plus4 that would make them useful? BTW, I like databases but have little use for them. A long time ago, I started creating a database of all my C64 games with a DOS-based program, but stopped very early--I probably have less than 20 cataloged. I think I still have the database somewhere in a mess of needless floppies.
Posted By
 Kryan1 on 2023-07-27 18:22:41
| Re: Geos Download
Does this English version of Geos 3.5 work. It downloaded fine . But can't get it to do anything. Thanks for any help.
Posted By
 Kryan1 on 2023-07-27 18:31:32
| Re: Geos Download
I'm using pi zero and 1541 hat. I just get the Geos splash screen.
Posted By
 siz on 2023-07-28 02:27:57
| Re: Geos Download
As MMS wrote: plus/4 GEOS is just a prototype, it works with 1551 only. So 1541 - including Pi1541 - won't work.
Posted By
 JamesC on 2023-07-28 08:32:35
| Re: Geos Download
GEOS for the Plus/4 is available in German from this site. Here's a link.
Please understand that if you want to run GEOS 3.5 on a real Plus/4, you need a genuine 1551 to go with it. It will not run from a 1541.
If you want to run GEOS 3.5 on an emulator, the emulator must support exact 1551 emulation.
Please download the German version from the link above, and test it on your system or emulator to see if it works. If it works and you want the English equivalent, follow the instructions on the bottom of the download page. If the German version doesn't work for you, then the English version won't work either.
I am away from my system for a few days. If you request the English version, please allow me 5-7 days to generate a disk image for you.
Posted By
 Kryan1 on 2023-07-28 14:16:13
| Re: Geos Download
Thanks James! I'll be in touch.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-28 14:24:17
| Re: Geos Download
I'm just wondering...should I get a 1551 for my Plus4 at my mother's house? I already have two 1541's there shared by Plus4 and my C64C. Also, how much would one cost? I live in the U.S.
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-29 18:16:05
 | Re: Geos Download
@Harry Potter: 1551 is a delicate and very special beast. Due to it's special connection, faster than the 1541, so with Plus/4 it is a good choice, as the discs formatted and made are 100% compatible with 1541. On the other hand, the compatibility with programs are not 100%. Some German demos in the past created to be "only 1551", so you cannot run from 1541, especially fastloaders cannot support both (or in the past) GEOS is one example So due to loading speed 1551 was a rather good choice for the demos, on the other hand, it is a pain in the neck now, 30 years later, as the drive became really rare, and no hardware emulation exist.
Two things are important to mention: -AFAIK 1551 did not have a 110V version. So you will need a 110V (60Hz)-->230V (50Hz) converter adapter -The housing of the 1551 is very brittle and breaks like a bread stick. It is so brittle (I think they overcooked the plastic during production). Very few 1551s survives the transport (most of the 1551 drives I saw had broken housing), except the packaging is exeptionally good and protective.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-29 18:03:07
| Re: Geos Download
Thank you. So it's faster. I think 110V is U.S., right? If so, I think it's not worth it for the extra wires I would need, as I live in gthe U.S.. 
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-29 18:30:55
 | Re: Geos Download
@Harry Potter It depends on how much you want this stuff  I won a US based floppy drive MSD SD-1 worked only in 110V 60Hz, so I bought a AC converter. I still have it. As I see it is not that evident in the other way round, at least worth a try.
Anyhow, a JiffyDOS compatible IEC device will be faster, than the 1551 (if Jiffy is activated in your Plus/4 too with a new ROM)
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-29 18:54:33
| Re: Geos Download
I don't really want to gut my Commodores at my mother's house. I don't know why, because I'm willing to gut my PCs there. I'd like the replacement ROMs but want an easy way to revert to the default ROMs if desired.
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-30 03:35:21
 | Re: Geos Download
Well, some of the Jiffy versions let you switch back to the origianal ROM with a buttonpress.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-30 06:08:43
| Re: Geos Download
Oh, I didn't know that. Thank you! If I get them, how would I do that?
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-30 11:07:40
 | Re: Geos Download
Right now I do not own such, I bought the official ones from the Retro Innovations site for testing purposes (1581 speed with Plus/4), and I have some old fashioned JiffyDOS ROMs having the on/off switch in this way:
On the other hand MCes once mentioned somewhere (you can ask him in a PM), that there is under development a JiffyDOS, which switches itself on and off at every reset, so there is no need to drill holes, add a switch.
