Posted By
 Fredrik on 2023-07-26 04:35:13
| Re: cc65: new text adventure codes online!
Addition: Ozmoo's memory usage is similar on the C64 as on the Plus/4, but the exact locations may vary of course. $0800-$ffff is used for interpreter, stack and game data.
We have chosen not to target PET, Vic-20 and unexpanded C16. However, Ozmoo emulates a virtual machine, and there's another emulator for the same virtual machine that targets PET and Vic-20 - BitShifter's Z-machine interpreter. So if someone writes a game for the Z-machine, and is careful to not make it too heavy for small machines, it can be run without modifications on any of these interpreters (As for what is not too heavy: It can still be big, e.g. 128 KB of game data is fine, but it shouldn't need too much of this data on every turn, or the interpreter will be reading from disk constantly)
The flip side of the coin is that emulating a virtual machine is a lot heavier than executing C code that's been compiled for your specific machine. Ozmoo can typically execute ~2000 Z-code instructions per second on a C64, as long as the code is all in RAM so no virtual memory fetches from disk are required. It's a decent speed, but it can't compete with a game written in C.