Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-03 19:53:08
| AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
Hi! I am an egotist and want to hear good things about my works but usually don't get them. I have some text adventure codes online and am working on a Sci-Fi/Fantasy text adventure. The text adventure codes are called AdvSkelVic65 and AdvSkel65 and can be found on Plus4World's Tools page. I'm asking for feedback and advice on how to optimize and better them. That's all.
Posted By
 Gandalf on 2023-07-04 06:44:46
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
The name Harry Potter is synonymous as a name related to kids meaning anyone using the name can't be taken seriously on a forum full of smelly old men. Add the fact most of what you post looks alien and could be considered as spam is reason enough to make people weary. 
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-04 07:27:58
 | Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
Well, I am happy if such developments arise. My thoughs: -I do not use C65, I am not a big fan of C language. I know it is fast eand efficient, but those variable types makes my anxious -The mentioned sample game in madatarilib is not so convinient -I miss the Up/Down commands, just to make the navigation harder, also the 4 main direction sometimes not enough to confuse the players  -I will surely not create "only text" adventure, for me the GFX part is important. Due to D64 size and loading speed constrains the HIRES/MULTI pictures could be closed out, though a quarter screen sized picture takes only 2.5KB. (in this case we load it to somewhere in the memory and copy the picture to the real screen) In case it is PETSCII, the size of a full screen picture is just 2KB, a quarter sized picture is 500 byte only -What I mean quarter sized picture you can load::

Posted By
 Csabo on 2023-07-04 20:41:56
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
I am an egotist [...] Found your problem! 
Want good feedback? Step one: don't be an egotist. I'm honestly baffled that you announce this like you're proud of it or something. If you actually want to be a part of a community, you can't be self-serving. Step two: create stuff that people are actually interested in and want to use. We've discussed this in detail several times: no-one wants to use your adventure game framework because most people don't develop adventure games, most people don't use C, and there are far better alternatives (Ozmoo, etc).
Posted By
 Charlemagne on 2023-07-05 16:12:20
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
Csabo: IMHO, everybody is egotist... ...only, the most of people are insincere! ...or will be after leaving childhood for being alive... 
p.s.: It's a mercy that here in this forum, everybody endures to the end for his own childhood... 
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-05 16:47:40
 | Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
@Csabo "Egoist": I think it was not the proper word and proper expression. I think HP is simply proud of his achievement, and everyone is happy when receive positive feedback on his hard work. Even me, although I just create simple PETSCII pictures, just a few hours of work. So it is not egoism, according to my view.
I do not like so much C65, as I do not feel the Plus/4 part is complete in libraries, and I do not want to write all the routines to switch on and off the screen or write ASM multicolor line drawing routines (even if I could ).
Ozmoo also does not support gfx loading from disc, so out of my interest too (despite the fact it is very advanced interpreter)
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-06 14:37:51
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
MMS: I thank you for your input. I agree with you about cc65 not having good support for the Plus4--or any computer for that matter--but I have made some extensions to cc65 and the Plus4 target, including support for Hannes memory and Low memory, cartridges and more efficient text I/O. SHould I post them here?
BTW, the last time I offered my programs here, my post got filtered out as SPAM. How can I get around this?
Posted By
 Csabo on 2023-07-06 18:14:36
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
The spam filter triggered because you included too many links (which is usually what spammers do). You can either just include one link in your posts, or leave off the "http(s)" part.
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-06 18:33:16
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
Thank you. My cc65 memory extensions, including some for the Plus4, are at
Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2023-07-07 14:07:08
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
MMS: I thank you for defending me. Maybe I got the meaning of "egotist" wrong. I thought that being an "egotist" meant that I wanted to be praised for my work. I am willing to accept negative feedback, though--even though I might not like it.
BTW, CBMSimpleIO, which is a very efficient replacement to cc65's printf() function and similar that interfaces with the kernal directly and performs little extra work, along with versions for the Apple2 and Atari, can be found at
Posted By
 Lord Voldemort on 2023-07-20 00:35:24
| Re: AdvSkel[Vic]65: Optimizations and Feature requests?
You C264 Muggles, there is no good and evil! There is only power and those too weak to seek it!