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on 2023-04-11
 Re: Revision 2023

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like it. happy

A little background story about TED Vibes so you can understand how it was created.

The basic concept came from the fact that I accidentally came across a TED music by Tobikomi on YouTube. I really liked it. And around the same time I was chatting with Chabee and he said he'd love to write more TED music. Then I searched on YouTube, later on BOTB and HVTC, and I found some more exciting music from Kleeder, FADE or Navidon1147... All of them have already written very good TED music, and I had never heard of them.

The plus/4 scene is quite closed, it has few connections with other scenes, meanwhile there are such talented musicians who are active at TED, and almost no one knows about them.

I wanted to change this a bit. It was also my goal to make TED music more accessible to other musicians, so I decided to request the music project files from each composer and release them with the TED Vibes zip.

This is where the idea came from to make a musicdisk with musicians who have already written music for TED, but are not known, and to find people who are very talented and who are also happy to experiment with new platforms. Let's see what they do with the sound of TED. And if only a few people from the real plus/4 scene are involved, the surprise factor will also be greater. :)

I didn't have time for a bigger project for the Revision anyway, so this seemed like a good release idea.

First, I made a simple prototype from musicdisk and put in a lot of exciting plus/4 music from HVTC to have something to look for the musicians as a reference.

Also, I looked at all the active musicians of the retro scene, from ZX spectrum to Atari ST. Then I selected them into 3 lists based on their previous releases so far.

1. it is almost certain that they will say yes
2. there is a relatively high chance that they will say yes
3. it would be great if they would say yes, but I wouldn't bet on it

About 1.5 months before Revision, I started looking for musicians with the prototype and a small project docs about the TED Vibes and the plus/4.
In the first round, I started looking for people from lists 2 and 3 to see how the participant list was developing.

The goal was 12-15 tracks, but the project was much more unpredictable than I first thought. There were no replies to my emails and PM messages for weeks. And several musicians refused the invitation. Some had little time or refused for other reasons. Others did not respond because they did not check emails or social media. There was also someone whom I contacted on 3 different channels before I managed to communicate with him. I received answers from several musicians only with the help of a mutual acquaintance.

So the whole project was quite a rollercoaster, because it wasn't very clear where exactly I was in the recruitment of musicians. There were those who wrote a reply email after a month, and some who answer to me after 1.5 month, on the first day of the Revision. happy Also some people wrote that they didn't have the energy for it right now, and then later still sent music.

When several people answered that they didn't have enough time, I decided that the surprise factor was less important, so I reached Csabo and 5tarbucks from the "I'm definitely counting on them" list to make sure there were enough composers. Then, on the same day, two other people responded that they would also write music for the project.

By the way, at the end of March, it was still an open question whether there would be 9 or 16 songs in the final release. happy Then several people didn't send music in the end, but I received more then one from others.

Overall, TED Vibes was 70% project management and 30% coding.

I decided relatively quickly that I would make a sequel to the music disk, because I received quite a lot "not good right now, but I'd love to make a try later" comments. Anyway, I contacted 17-18 people in total.

In response to @Luca's last sentence, I attached a screenshot from my recruitment board after the first TED Vibes released. happy


By the way, the musicdisk is also interesting from a technical point of view, I would be happy to write about it if there is interest.

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