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on 2023-02-16
 Re: Developing for GEOS on the Plus/4: any resources?

Not by me. Lack the skill and documentation to do that on any short notice, nor have a SID card with my real iron Plus/4 (never saw the use for it as my Plus/4 stands literally next to an Ultimate 64, a real C64, and three Commodores 128 (D, DCR and flat). So plenty of SID chips already.

But yeah, GEOS plus/4 misses mouse support quote badly. Although key control in YAPE actually is more usable then I thought it would be.
So bigger prio for me personally is to either get GEOS working with a 1541 or 1571 on a Plus/4 or to buy a 1551 that is not costing waaaaay to much.

The game itself though is already coded for other platforms, see https://github.com/xahmol/ludo
So porting the game logic if the interface works should be easy, only bigger chunks of work will be porting the save game system and changing the game logic to be event (mouse click driven)

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