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on 2023-01-09
 Re: Say "Hi!" to the T2C=

Well, this is a fantastic project!

When we tested the potential speedup of George's 3D drawing routine, the first version used 3D coordinates from Blender, and calculated the 3D lines. The speed was really limited by the slow 5 byte floating point calculation of the +4.
Compilation could be an option, but Austrospeed took too much memory, so only much simpiler objevt could be used, while Litwr's compiler was promising, but does not support any gfx command in the code.
During the looong discussions I had the idea to link a Z80 minimal config on the expansion port with the 8 or 10MHz variant, and just pass the numbers and the operand and the Z80 just plays the FPU task. We concluded it is beyond our current knowledge, and also did not fit to George's approach. Finally he found the SVG method, and drawing speded up drastically, no calculations any more.

So the answer: the T800 has an FPU and probably it is pretty fast. It could be used to eg. Speed up Elite or Driller or other 3D program. Sending the floating point numbers and the operandus and reading back the end result is probably faster than to wait our own CPU.

I. Insterested to buy one, but only next month, when I get my next salary :-)

About power: your problem is similar to the SuperCPU, it required a new stronger PSU for the C64.
CMD solved it with their RAMlink I also own: it has it' own PSU, and does not stress the PSU of the C64

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