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on 2022-11-02
 Re: Let's remake the DigiBlaster!

Someone in possession of this card would really need to step in and give some help here IMHO. Let me explain.

I also only know photos of this card, no schematics, and no examples that I could have ever inspected closely. (While I could see maybe a dozen of Synergy SID card examples in the last 25+ years, I've seen no DigiBlasters, literally not a single example. Which makes it also very little risky to say, that the number of DigiBlaster examples ever produced, must be very small). For some time, I thought that the A/D part of this card must have worked in a partly software supported manner (that is - successive approximation code that'd use the D/A converter and one half of the TLC272 op-amp wired as a comparator) - since, the card seemingly employed no dedicated A/D converters.

...But I've just taken the digitizer code of Apos' Digital Composing Kit V2.0 apart, and found apparently no signs of any extra steps done there. Which leads to the conclusion that we probably don't even know every components yet, there has to be also an A/D converter there (a ZN427 or something like that, somewhere hidden) in the first place.

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