Posted By
 Harry Potter on 2022-07-12 17:10:03
| Re: Harry Potter CC65 Thread
Hi, again! I am having a problem with my MemBankP4 library: the getkey() function isn't working properly: the screen keeps refreshing, as if I keep pressing a key, then, when I press a key, I get a JAM execution error at $0004. Following is the gertkey.s code:
----------------------- .segment "LOWCODE"
.proc _getkey sta ENABLE_ROM @lp: ;inc $0C00 jsr $ffe4 ;Call the getin kernal routine to ;lda #$E4 ;jsr callkernal ;get the key-press. cmp #0 ;Continue until key pressed. beq @lp ldx #0 ;Clear MSB because I keep seeing ;this done in cc65's source code. ;sta $C00 sta ENABLE_RAM rts ;Return. .endproc ------------------
BTW, I'm testing on WinVice 3.0.