Posted By
 neils on 2022-01-26 09:29:07
| Re: Change screen address
Thanks for your answer Csabo.
I was hoping that I could do something similar to this C64 example:
lda $d018 and #%11110000 ora #%00100000 sta $d018 ; Change screen address from $0400 to $0800 lda #$08 sta $0288 ; Update KERNAL screen pointer ora #$80 tay lda #0 tax .loop sty $D9,x ;Update pointers to screen lines clc adc #$28 bcc .skip iny .skip inx cpx #$1a bne .loop lda #$ff sta $D9,x
From this point on, the screen editor will use the new location. So my understanding is that the Plus/4 can't do this, as these pointers are hardwired in KERNAL. Too bad 
Where can I find a commented disassembly of the Plus/4 KERNAL? Maybe there's a workaround?
PS. It isn't for a game. I'm trying to implement XC=BASIC's commands on the Plus/4 and I'm failing to implement this command: