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Posted By

on 2022-01-03
 Plus4Emu in Docker

Hello Guys and Girls,

I've spent some time today on solving this problem, maybe it's useful for some of you:

I want to run Plus4Emu on Windows without installing it.

Why? Because I am at work, I am not allowed to install unapproved software but I want to try something real quick. wink

There is a solution if you have Docker and an X Server installed.

docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 -v YOUR_FOLDER_PATH:/root/files --net=host adotsch/plus4emu [optional command]

If no command given it will mount your folder as /root/files and give you a command prompt where you can run p4compress, p4fliconv, p4sconv or plus4emu directly, like:

root@docker-desktop:~# plus4emu -prg files/demo.prg &

Yes, that's all, no installation is needed, everything is installed on the Docker Image adotsch/plus4emu, that is automatically downloaded when you run the above docker command.

Posted By

on 2022-01-03
 Re: Plus4Emu in Docker

Oh nice! Thanks!

Posted By

on 2022-01-10
 Re: Plus4Emu in Docker

In case anyone interested: the Docker image got much slimmer (about 1/5), download size is only 29M, extracted size is 62M.

Posted By

on 2022-02-09
 Re: Plus4Emu in Docker

Why don't just to use a Linux native program?

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