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on 2021-12-14
 Re: Yet another Mandelbrot

Thank you for the transformation to our beloved platform.

My technical mindset prefer the interlaced, my eyes prefer the flashing version happy

It is really super fast! I can say, it is at least as fast as my compiled Pascal code I mention below when run on a 486 DX33 with 32 iterations (certainly on my 486DLC2 it was much slower than this)

Just some notes:
I am addicted to fractals, my thesis was also about fractals. I made a fully window based fractal generator on PC with Turbo Pascal, probably it was the world's very first fully mouse contollable fractal generator (it knows Mandelbrot, Julia and Dragon curves) next to palette animation and a MOD music played in the background.
Too bad it sems to lost forever due to a damaged floppy disc.

This thesis made on fractal compression is referring at the end my 1996 thesis, and I can say ~20% of it is based on mine happy

BTW fractal picture compression is very interesting: I could make smaller files than JPG, with less blockiness, and the decompression requires low CPU power (generating the picture's fractal file on the other hand very CPU intensive), and could be zoomed without blockiness (though it looks a little strange after some time).
It is told here, that Microsoft Encarta used fractal compressed images:

Somehow it did not really get the momentum, to become really widespread. (.FIF is the extension of such pictures, really hard to get a viewer nowadays)
The CPUs getting much faster, the memory and HDD became bigger, the internet speed significantly increased, so there was no need to implement a much more complex new file format.

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