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on 2021-09-10
 Re: Let's Play (2021 #3)

How did I ever forget this game for so long? I last played it god knows when on an emulator some years back, a lot more back in the day though. Great choice! This'll keep me busy until I leave soon. I'm doing very well in my recovery btw and just had my stitches removed. Should be back home early next week.

Anyway, I've noticed something screwy going on (what appears to be) a small bug in YAPE when you select joystick. It's all to do with left and fire when it's not supposed to. It does different things when I try fix it, such as going right but it goes left and fires bullets. There seems to be a variation of things happening when I try to fix it. Feature or bug? I did figure it out so bug seems to be out, but I've forgotten to permanently save my settings, now I completely forgot what I did to fix it. It's the only game I've had bother with this on YAPE. It's seriously bothering me, as this is the perfect antidote for me right now.

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