Posted By
 Frenetic on 2021-09-07 15:41:39
| Re: Sidekick264 - software defined cartridge
@Chronos: thanks for code snippet, next time I'll have my C16 set up, I'll make sure the SID detection works. Does the SID model detection play a role on 264s?
As said, Magic Carts can't work right now, as they didn't exist for the 264s when I touched the code last time.
@zaarko, thanks for the links -- I think I've found them here in the forum a while ago and put that on my list (admittedly with a bit lower priority, as launching files is something the Sidekick can do pretty well -- but since there are so few cartridge types for the 264 I should see to support them all )
@gerliczer @siz I guess the 3 registers on the C64 SFX Sound Expander are just a consequence of the FM chip already being there, and any additional decoding logic would have created additional cost. When you have a IO1/2 device on the C64 you typically don't have another one in the same 256 byte window, so simplicity in the decoding was always preferred.
In principle I could do any mapping, but when "defining" it there should be consensus in the incredibly large user base 
I haven't seen many FM players on the Commodore machines, but my guess is that porting any to the 264 in principle means changing three addresses and it does not matter much to what. Using three registers would be a bit more consistent with the traditional cartridge though. Happy to take suggestions...