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on 2021-08-27
 Re: Apart of new clean and bigger scans...

Thanks so much @Luca for your quick answer.

I managed to get it working in YAPE happy with 1551 full CPU compatibility mode, and could see tha the uIEC compatibility/fast mode won't work in the emulator, so I still have to find a 1551 in the wild, sell one of my kidneys in the deep web, and buy it. I guess I'll limit my shopping to just ONE drive, as I need at least one kidney.

My German isn't so good I'm afraid, so I'll drop a line to JamesC if I'll ever get my hands on a real 1551.

As for possibly having a working SD2IEC version at some point in the future, ain't it be possibile for some software wizard to just... DISEMBED the 1551 turbo from it? This would open a whole new world to Plus/4 users alla over the world, finally filling a gap wink

@MIK: agree, I just didn't know it was so superior to VICE (which is almost perfect for the C64, and more than OK for the VIC and PET).

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