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on 2021-07-26
 John Williams on C16/Plus4

I was watching a BBC documentary about some of the best GB Olympians from the past and in between each one some history of that years Olympics was added. They got to Daley Thompson and 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Fanfare Theme was playing and they stated John Williams of Star Wars fame composed it... It was like 'wow' I know that tune. happy

Turns out that Daley Thompson's Star Events intro jingle, (as you start each event) comes from the Olympic Fanfare Theme from 1984.

You learn something new every day, or I just forgot lol. Kinda funny tho that the moment I uploaded some day 2 game play to YouTube some years ago I was slapped with a copyright infringement notice and was forced to have adverts to cover any costs and to think it may of broken copyright twice ha! Better still tho YouTube in the last few years or so have properly caterized video games and the adverts have now been removed. grin

My old video of Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxP2FGT0FJ0

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on 2021-07-26
 Re: John Williams on C16/Plus4

Nice find! Added it to the database here.

The title comes from Vangelis (Chariots of Fire), I think that's what got the copyright strike. I assume it had to be manually flagged... There's no way the 2 channel square waveform rendition of that song would automatically match the original happy

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on 2021-07-26
 Re: John Williams on C16/Plus4

Thanks for sorting the links out. I was on a tablet and those things are great for browsing but useless for typing, copy'n paste ect vs a real computer and 2 button mouse. typing

Nice one. Yeah it's always surprising that even now there is still stuff we either didn't know, or long forgot about.

Here's another fact... Daley Thompson's real name is Francis Morgan Ayodélé Thompson, for the record books tho Daley Thompson works best. wink

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