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on 2021-04-25
 Diag264 v0.97 is released

The latest version of Diag264, 0.97, is finally released. Before I get to the fun stuff about new features, there's some important licensing changes to be aware of.

Diag264 is now licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, otherwise known as CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. This means it is free to download and distribute the unmodified Diag264 software for personal use, but it must include a link to the Diag264 website, and the license (Attribution). It is not permitted to modify and then distribute the software (NoDerivatives), and neither is it permitted to resell the software in any form (NonCommercial).

More details of about the licensing changes, and the download link, are available on the Diag264 web page . I have tested it quite thoroughly, but as this is such a major update, I'm sure I've still let some gremlins sneak through, so please feed back any issues found.

License here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0

Highlights in 0.97:

o Added new banking logic tests for $FF3E/$FF3F and $FDD0
o Added pop-up message box's on High Ram and Banking failures suggesting possible chips at fault
o Added pseudo-random number sequences to low RAM tests to better detect addressing related issues
o Improve error reporting on joystick test, if the latch doesn't have correct value at start, or is unstable during reading, print it as status byte
o Fixed bug where using shift-lock to skip keyboard and joystick persisted for joystick on subsequent cycles
o Added test and error reporting for unexpected interrupts
o Stabilised the interrupt counts by refactoring the interrupt handler and skipping false ACIA IRQ's if not present
o Added compile time warnings to ensure timing critical code does not cross page boundaries
o TED mode test now uses properly coded raster interrupts to better identify raster interrupt related issues
o Explicitly set the raster line on interrupt tests to 204, previously set by TED defaults
o Display min and max interrupt counts, highlighting differences at the end of each cycle
o Added Andy Challis' NTSC kernal for the 6510 CPU replacement to the list of recognized ROM's
o Reduce time waiting for joystick input
o Play a Homer Simpson WooHoo! sample at the end of each test cycle to test digi playback
o Simplified audio playing routines

Happy 264 fixing! Rob.

Posted By

on 2021-04-25
 Re: Diag264 v0.97 is released

Fantastic news! I'm really glad to hear you're still at it, and the list of improvements is pretty impressive. Especially glad that the licensing is now nailed down.

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