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on 2020-12-07
 Re: Cartridge and raster interrupts

Here is an example (made with 64TAss but probably the code is readable anyway):

*= $8000

vidinit = $ff81
ioinit = $ff84
ramtest = $ff87
restorio = $ff8a

texty = 12

jmp start
jmp start

.byte 1 ; Marker that ROM should be autostarted
.text "cbm" ; Marker that this is an expansion ROM

start sei
lda $fb ; Get current ROM bank (to provide runnability in any slots)
and #$03 ; Use our ROM in low bank only and KERNAL in high
sta $fdd0,x ; Do bank selection

jsr ioinit ; Do standard initialization instead of KERNAL reset
jsr restorio
jsr vidinit

ldx #irqend-irq ; Copy IRq routing to RAM at $2000
- lda irq,x
sta $2000,x
bpl -

lda #2 ; Enable raster interrupt only
sta $ff0a
lda #96 ; Raster interrupt at line 96
sta $ff0b
lda #<$2000 ; Set IRq vector to $2000
ldx #>$2000
sta $0314
stx $0315

lda #$d4 ; Switch to lower case charset
sta $ff13

ldx #txtend-txt-1 ; Copy text to screen
- lda txt,x
sta $0c00+texty*40,x
lda #$71 ; Set text color to white
sta $0800+texty*40,x
bpl -

jmp * ; Infinite loop: main routine has nothing to do

irq lda #$32 ; Load color red into register A
ldx #180

- cpx $ff1e ; Wait for rasterline end
bcs -

sta $ff19 ; Set border color
sta $ff15 ; Set background color

lda #0 ; Load color black into register A
ldx #231 ; Wait a bit
- dex ; (this could have been to separate interrupts to allow
bne - ; main thread to use the time but this is an example only)
sta $ff19 ; Set border color
sta $ff15 ; Set background color

lda $ff09 ; Clear interrupt request
sta $ff09
jmp $fcbe ; Use ROM interrupt handler to restore ROM bank and registers and return from the interrupt

.enc screen
txt .text "Cartridge ROM Raster IRq example by Siz/Absence"

; Fill to 16k boundary
.fill $c000-*, $ff

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