Posted By
 fredrik on 2020-11-12 04:27:19
| Re: Looking for collaborator
That's interesting.
I keep getting CPU jams if I skip SEI before storing into $ff3f.
And I can see that the Basic routines to read from RAM do SEI:
.C:0479 78 SEI .C:047a 8D 3F FF STA $FF3F .C:047d A0 00 LDY #$00 .C:047f B1 3B LDA ($3B),Y .C:0481 8D 3E FF STA $FF3E .C:0484 58 CLI .C:0485 C9 3A CMP #$3A .C:0487 B0 0A BCS $0493 .C:0489 C9 20 CMP #$20 .C:048b F0 E6 BEQ $0473 .C:048d 38 SEC .C:048e E9 30 SBC #$30 .C:0490 38 SEC .C:0491 E9 D0 SBC #$D0 .C:0493 60 RTS .C:0494 8D 9C 04 STA $049C .C:0497 78 SEI .C:0498 8D 3F FF STA $FF3F .C:049b B1 00 LDA ($00),Y .C:049d 8D 3E FF STA $FF3E .C:04a0 58 CLI .C:04a1 60 RTS
But this is in fact not necessary at all? Or do I misunderstand something here?