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on 2020-10-27
 Re: Looking for collaborator

An "addition" to the REU question. Kichy is right, but there are memory expansions for the C16/Plus4 with 256k and more. It's called Hannes or Csory expansions.. But they have to be "mounted" statically (soldering and so on as far as I remember). If you go for these kind of expansions go for the Hannes ones. I did start a poll on which memory expansions are available and used and it turned out that the most used is the Hannes one.. But I guess around 10 users maximally with that currently. There is also the Sidekick264 Module which supports virtual memory through a NEORAM (almost same as Georam) interface (which is pretty cool to code)..

The Hannes expansion is relatively hard to code.. Since the interrupt vectors at $fffe/$ffff also change and you only have a small stripe of persistent memory (either $1000 or $4000 bytes).. Meaning it does change almost all of the memory at selection of another "page"..

With all that, I am somehow with Kichy saying that you don't need REU support on the plus/4..

All t3h best! happy

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