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on 2020-07-24
 Re: What do you think of 256k (or more k) expansions

I own the Lotharek CPU upgrade came with Hannes compatible 512K, but actually it is out of the Plus/4, as the 64K upgrade from MCes was a little easier to install (soldering, eh).
But I am ready to install it, if worth.

I really like the concept of the SideKick, though I could not progress too far in the card production, my Eagle was not able to manage the Gerber. (so I deleted it finally, haha, revenge). Especially like the idea of smaller banks, and theoreticallyit will be able to emulate the Sound Expander with ther Yamaha sound chip happy

George's question is valid: your program code cannot grow bigger in BASIC than 48K, otherwise during page change youre code will partially vanish. Also if you need all data at the same time in the memory, I think it will not work, or the code become very slow due to continuous (extra) bank switching. (Extra to the continuous RAM/ROM switches, I suppose that's why the Plus/4 and C128 slower in BASIC than the C64. On the other hand, C16 should be way faster then, no? or the RAMs are mirrorered, and still doing the RAM/ROM switching?)

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