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on 2020-06-28
 Re: Quality of S-Video image from a Plus/4 - mine looks bad

I tried the TLC hack of shorting FB7 but it just made the picture worse on my Plus/4 (in the same way it was already bad).

I've ordered some 2kΩ potentiometers and I'll rig them up in line on the Luma and Chroma signals and then have a twiddle to see that does. If that improves things, I can make up a cable with some fixed resistors in it, when I measure the potentiometers.

If I can't get a good picture with that, I might make up a switch to turn off/on the Chroma signal then I can turn it off to get a monochrome image from the Luma only, which might be better for editing text, although that's not ideal!

I wonder if everyone's Plus/4 is different. Of course, there could be something gradually going wrong with mine.

As an aside, several people have said the S-Video output on the Plus/4 is not good. Do people mean that it's no better than composite? When I tried composite, I got pretty much the same quality of signal as I get from the S-Video. It's not unusable but just lots of red and green fringes to the characters and a checkboard pattern gives red and green colour bars through it.

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