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on 2020-06-27
 Re: Quality of S-Video image from a Plus/4 - mine looks bad

Thanks everyone for your help...

Thanks @siz, I've tried shorting across the terminals on FB7 (just be holding some wire across the terminals, rather than soldering just yet: to see if it made a difference) and that makes the picture worse. What's interesting, though, is that it makes the picture worse in exactly the way that it's already bad, so there's even more colour bleed, so maybe I'm in the right area.

The voltage level problem that @MMS talks about, I think, is the problem described on the C64 Wiki page about the A/V jack and I assume is supposed to be solved by my A/V cable having a 300 Ohm resistor on the chroma line: I've checked that with a multimeter and it is there (and all the other lines have no resistor). Although that page also says it might need to be larger (at least on a C64, but I assume it applies to the Plus/4 as well):


I think I might just have to live with it: I don't want get an old CRT monitor. Although any further suggestions welcome!

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