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on 2020-04-25
 Expansion connector pin pitch

What are the specifications for the expansion connector in the 264-series? I.e. what's the pin pitch and card thickness?

Posted By

on 2020-04-25
 Re: Expansion connector pin pitch

According to a scanned page of a Hungarian magazine: width 52 mm, pitch ~1.98 mm (78 mil?), thickness 1.4 mm. It can be found here: ftp://ftp.zimmers.net/pub/cbm/plus4/schematics/connectors-1.jpg

Posted By

on 2020-04-25
 Re: Expansion connector pin pitch

AFAIK 1.98mm is the pitch (=0.08inch) and the thickness is the same as on C64, 1,57mm.

The ATARI ST ROM module connector has a same pitch, but with much less pins, and noone used it.

Someone mentioned that the PC's PCI connector is exactly the double pitch, so if every second pin is covered/removed, than it will do the job. Maybe it could be utilized to make port expander too.

Posted By

on 2020-07-25
 Re: Expansion connector pin pitch

Do they mean PCIe rather than PCI? I had a look at some datasheets just now and PCI seems to be 1.27mm between centres and PCIe 1.00mm between centres, which would be close to half of 1.98mm.

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