Posted By
 Frenetic on 2020-04-20 16:50:22
| Re: Sidekick264 - software defined cartridge
I just wanted to let you know that there's a new release for Sidekick264.
Best news first: it comes with Alpharay and Pet's Rescue! Ported in amazingly short time by Mad, I'm very impressed! (he also made a Yape version with preliminary NeoRAM support to port the games). I can faithfully say, these two games are the most impressive pieces of software that I've seen on this platform, and everyone should support the creation of such master pieces (hint: Psytronik -- and note: proceeds are donated for charity upon request of the creators).
Some other things have been added: - Digiblaster emulation (MMS ), and TED sound emulation (so that you can have all sound sources on one output) - fixes for handling resets on the +4 (as there is no way to reset the machine from the expansion port there)
Thanks also go to Retrofan for designing a new logo 