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on 2019-12-02
 Re: Assembly: fast plot and line algorithms for plus/4

Actually CC65 is out and seems to support +4 too.
It compiles from C a rather fast code (at least told, I want to make some benchmark with compiled BASIC, but none of the compiled code containes the +4 specific GFX commands)

tgi.h contains most of the GFX routines, including line(tgi_line"") and fill ("tgi_bar")

Too bad, that the floating point calculation (FLOAT type) is missing natively from the CC65 package.
It is a big defect here, as most of the 3D-->2D transformation happens in floating poitn calculations.

I found one library for CC65 from MRDUDZ that claims to realize it

If the above does not work, what kind of workaround possible?
1) Does the Kernal routines are any use to cover this missing feature?
2) Any workaround experience with big numbers (eh, DOUBLE is also missing) and shifting the result?
3) Or just make with Intigers and then after divinding it accept that it in fact gives a value truncated and may become incorrect?

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